Banana Slider

A new and fabulous activity providing moments of real water fun.

Try the Banana Slider

A new and fabulous activity that allows you to take up to 6 people around providing moments of real water fun.


Start the experience at the meeting point in Praia da Rocha Baixinha where you will be welcomed by our friendly staff who will provide you with your life jacket and explain the safety rules. From there, you can dive into the ocean and climb aboard the banana slider.


Once you’re seated, remember to smile and have fun as a professional photographer will capture your best adrenaline moments. Said buoy will start moving for 10 minutes of pure fun while you are pulled by a boat always supervised by professionals. At the end, head back to the beach where you’ll see photos and recap the experience.

(Photos not included in the price of the activity)

What´s included:


Activity not recommended for: